« back published by Martin Joo on April 30, 2022 updated on October 17, 2022
35 Laravel Eloquent Recipes
This article is all about Laravel Eloquent. We love it, we use it, but there are a lot of hidden gems! For example:
- Did you know about Eloquent's strict mode?
- Or invisible database columns?
- Or did you know that you can write an attribute accessor and mutator in one method using the Attribute cast?
- ...And don't forget about the Prunable trait!
In this article, you can read about my 39 favorite Eloquent recipes (yes, I lied to you in the title but I won't change it until we have 40 amazing tricks).
Basic Laravel Eloquent Recipes
Disable Lazy Loading
Dealing with N+1 queries is probably one of the most common sources of performance issues. Since Laravel 8, you can entirely turn off lazy loading. This means if a relationship is not eager loaded, and you try to access it, Laravel will throw an exception in your face!
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
You can pass a condition, and if it's false, Laravel won't throw exceptions. It's a "best practice" to only disable it in development environment, so your server won't explode.
Strict Mode (new in Laravel 9)
Laravel 9 introduced strict mode which is even stricter than preventLazyLoading because it will:
- Disable lazy loading.
- Throw an error if you try to set an attribute that is not present in the fillable array. This is a great feature to have while developing a project.
- Disable using model attributes that hasn’t been fetched from the DB yet. This is pretty useful to avoid N+1 queries.
- Disable accessing non-existing attributes.
Here's an example for the third one:
class Post extends Model
public function getLatestCommentAttribute()
return $this->comments()->latest()->first();
foreach (Post::all() as $post) {
$latestComment = $post->latest_comment;
Accessing the latest_comment property will run an additional query so you'll end up with an N+1 query problem. Of course you can prevent it with the shouldBeStrict method:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
If you want to avoid N+1 queries and other mistakes that cause real trouble in production, install Laracheck today!
Routing and SoftDeletes (new in Laravel 9)
When you have a model that uses the SoftDeletes trait you can query the soft-deleted model like this:
Post::where('author_id', $authorId)
You probably already knew that. But did you know you can use the function with an entire route?
Route::get('posts/{post}', [PostController::class, 'show'])
In this case route model binding will query not just active but also soft-deleted records.
Since Laracel 9.35 we can use this with resource routes as well:
Route::resource('posts', PostController::class)
Now withTrashed will apply to every method that has a post parameter. In fact, you can even tell Laravel in which method you want to use it:
Route::resource('posts', PostController::class)
Benchmarking (new in Laravel 9)
This feature is not strictly related to Eloquent but it is the important use-case for it. Since Laravel 9.32 we have a new helper class called Benchmark which can be used such as this:
class OrderController
public function index()
return Benchmark::measure(fn () => Order:all());
It'll run the callback function and then prints out the time required to run it. You can also measure multiple tasks:
return Benchmark::measure([
fn () => Order:all(),
fn () => Order::where('status', 'pending')->get(),
Invisible Database Columns
The invisible column is a new concept in MySQL 8. What it does: when you run a select * query it won't retrieve any invisible column. If you need an invisible column's value you have to specify it explicitly in the select statement.
And now, Laravel supports these columns:
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
$user = User::first();
$user->secret === null;
This query will return null despite the fact that it's a select * query. It's because password is invisible. If you need the password you need to run this query:
$user = User::select('password')->first();
$user->password !== null;
It's a very useful concept for sensitive information such as:
- Password
- Tokens
- API keys
- Payment-related information
If you ever need to save a model but you don't want to trigger any model events, you can use this method:
$user = User::first();
$user->name = 'Guest User';
It can useful while seeding a database, for example.
Default Attribute Values
In Laravel you can define default values for columns in two places:
- Migrations
- Models
First, let's see the migration:
Schema::create('orders', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('status', 20)
This is a well-known feature. The status column will have a default draft value.
But what about this?
$order = new Order();
$order->status === null;
In this case, the status will be null, because it's not persisted yet. And sometimes it causes annoying null value bugs. But fortunately, you can specify default attribute values in the Model as well:
class Order extends Model
protected $attributes = [
'status' => App\Enums\OrderStatuses::DRAFT,
And now the status will be draft for a new Order:
$order = new Order();
$order->status === 'draft';
You can use these two approaches together and you'll never have a null value bug again.
Attribute Cast
Before Laravel 8.x we wrote attribute accessors and mutators like these:
class User extends Model
public function getNameAttribute(string $value): string
return Str::upper($value);
public function setNameAttribute(string $value): string
$this->attributes['name'] = Str::lower($value);
It's not bad at all, but as Taylor says in the pull request:
This aspect of the framework has always felt a bit "dated" to me. To be honest, I think it's one of the least elegant parts of the framework that currently exists. First, it requires two methods. Second, the framework does not typically prefix methods that retrieve or set data on an object with get and set
So he recreated this feature this way:
use Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Casts\\Attribute;
class User extends Model
protected function name(): Attribute
return new Attribute(
get: fn (string $value) => Str::upper($value),
set: fn (string $value) => Str::lower($value),
The main differences:
- You have to write only one method
- It returns an Attribute instead of a scalar value
- The Attribute itself takes a getter and a setter function
In this example, I used PHP 8 named arguments (the get and set before the functions).
Everyone knows about the find method, but did you know that it accepts an array of IDs?
So instead of this:
$users = User::whereIn('id', $ids)->get();
You can use this:
$users = User::find($ids);
Get Dirty
In Eloquent you can check if a model is "dirty" or not. Dirty means it has some changes that are not persisted yet:
$user = User::first();
$user->name = 'Guest User';
$user->isDirty() === true;
$user->getDirty() === ['name' => 'Guest User'];
The isDirty simply returns a bool while the getDirty returns every dirty attribute.
Sometimes you need to save a model and its relationship as well. In this case, you can use the push method:
$employee = Employee::first();
$employee->name = 'New Name';
$employee->address->city = 'New York';
In this case the, save would only save the name column in the employees table but not the city column in the addresses table. The push method will save both.
Boot Eloquent Traits
We all write traits that are being used by Eloquent models. If you need to initialize something in your trait when an event happened in the model, you can boot your trait.
For example, if you have models with slug, you don't want to rewrite the slug creation logic in every model. Instead, you can define a trait, and use the creating event in the boot method:
trait HasSlug
public static function bootHasSlug()
static::creating(function (Model $model) {
$model->slug = Str::slug($model->title);
So you need to define a bootTraitName method, and Eloquent will automatically call this when it's booting a model.
Creating and updating a model often use the same logic. Fortunately Eloquent provides a very convenient method called updateOrCreate:
$flight = Flight::updateOrCreate(
['id' => $id],
['price' => 99, 'discounted' => 1],
It takes two arrays:
- The first one is used to determine if the model exists or not. In this example, I use the id.
- The second one is the attributes that you want to insert or update.
And the way it works:
- If a Flight is found based on the given id it will be updated with the second array.
- If there's no Flight with the given id it will be inserted with the second array.
I want to show you a real-world example of how I handle creating and updating models.
The Controller:
public function store(UpsertDepartmentRequest $request): JsonResponse
return DepartmentResource::make($this->upsert($request, new Department()))
public function update(
UpsertDepartmentRequest $request,
Department $department
): HttpResponse {
$this->upsert($request, $department);
return response()->noContent();
private function upsert(
UpsertDepartmentRequest $request,
Department $department
): Department {
$departmentData = new DepartmentData(...$request->validated());
return $this->upsertDepartment->execute($department, $departmentData);
As you can see I often extract a method called upsert. This method accepts a Department. In the store method I use an empty Department instance because in this case, I don't have a real one. But in the update I pass the currently updated instance.
The $this->upsertDepartment refers to an Action:
class UpsertDepartmentAction
public function execute(
Department $department,
DepartmentData $departmentData
): Department {
return Department::updateOrCreate(
['id' => $department->id],
It takes a Department which is the model (an empty one, or the updated one), and a DTO (a simple object that holds data). In the first array I use the $department->id which is:
- null if it's a new model.
- A valid ID if it's an updated model.
And the second argument is the DTO as an array, so the attributes of the Department.
Just for confusion Laravel uses the word upsert for multiple update or create operations. This is how it looks:
['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego', 'price' => 99],
['departure' => 'Chicago', 'destination' => 'New York', 'price' => 150]
], ['departure', 'destination'], ['price']);
It's a little bit more complicated:
- First array: the values to insert or update
- Second: unique identifier columns used in the select statement
- Third: columns that you want to update if the record exists
So this example will:
- Insert or update a flight from Oakland to San Diego with the price of 99
- Insert or update a flight from Chicago to New York with the price of 150
We often need to append a where clause to a query based on some conditional, for example, a Request parameter. Instead of if statements you can use the when method:
->when($request->searchTerm, fn ($query) =>
$query->where('username', 'LIKE', "%$request->searchTerm%")
It will only run the callback if the first parameter returns true.
The same snippet without when:
$query = User::query();
if ($request->searchTerm) {
$query->where('username', 'LIKE', "%$request->searchTerm%");
return $query->get();
You can even give a default value as the third parameter:
fn ($query) => $query->orderBy($request->order_by),
fn ($query) => $query->orderBy('username')
In this case, if the $request->order_by is present, the first callback will be called; otherwise, the second one.
If you find these tips useful don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter where I share similar content every week!
If you have an attribute accessor and you often need it when the model is converted into JSON you can use the $appends property:
class Product extends Model
protected $appends = ['current_price'];
public function getCurrentPriceAttribute(): float
return $this->prices
->where('from', '<=' now())
->where('to', '>=', now())
Now the current_price column will be appended to the Product model every time it gets converted into JSON. It's useful when you're working with Blade templates. With APIs, I would stick to Resources.
Laravel Eloquent Relationship Recipes
Imagine you're working on a financial application like a portfolio tracker, and you have the following models:
- Stock: each company has a stock with a ticker and a current price.
- Holding: each holding has some stocks in their portfolios. It has columns like invested_capital, market_value
A Holding belongs to a Stock and a Stock has many Holdings. You can write a simple join to get every Apple holdings, for example:
$apple = Holding::select('holdings.*')
->leftJoin('stocks', 'stocks.id', 'holdings.stock_id')
->where('stocks.ticker', 'AAPL')
Or you can use the whereRelation helper:
$apple = Holding::whereRelation('stock', 'ticker', 'AAPL')->get();
It reads like this: give every Holdings where the Stock relation's ticker column is equal to AAPL (this is the ticker symbol of Apple). Under the hood, it will run an EXISTS query. So if you actually need data from the stocks table it's not a good solution.
Consider this snippet:
public function index(User $user)
$sum = Order::where('user_id', $user->id)
It looks good. How about this?
public function index(User $user)
$sum = Order::whereBelongsTo($user)
With Eloquent you almost speak in English.
There's a special relationship called oldestOfMany. You can use it if you constantly need the oldest model from a hasMany relationship.
In this example, we have an Employee and a Paycheck model. An employee has many paychecks, so this is the basic relationship:
class Employee extends Models
public function paychecks()
return $this->hasMany(Paycheck::class);
If you want to get the oldest paycheck you don't have to write a custom query every time, you can create a relationship for it:
class Employee extends Models
public function oldestPaycheck()
return $this->hasOne(Paycheck::class)
In this case, you have to use the hasOne method because it will return only one paycheck, the oldest one. The oldest paycheck is the one with the smallest auto-increment ID. So it won't work if you are using UUIDs as foreign keys.
Similarly to oldestOfMany we can use the newestOfMany as well:
class Employee extends Models
public function latestPaycheck()
return $this->hasOne(Paycheck::class)
The latest paycheck is the one with the largest auto-increment ID.
You can also use the ofMany relationship with some custom logic, for example:
class User extends Authenticable
public function mostPopularPost()
return $this->hasOne(Post::class)->ofMany('like_count', 'max');
This will return the post with the highest like_count. So instead of writing a custom query every time, you can use these relationships:
- oldestOfMany
- latestOfMany
- ofMany
Often we have relationships like $parent->child->child. For example, a department has employees, and each employee has paychecks. This is a simple hasMany relationship:
class Department extends Model
public function employees(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Employee::class);
class Employee extends Model
public function paychecks(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Paycheck::class);
If we need all the paychecks within a department we can write:
Instead of this, you can define a paychecks relationship on the Department model with the hasManyThrough:
class Department extends Model
public function employees(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Employee::class);
public function paychecks(): HasManyThrough
return $this->hasManyThrough(Paycheck::class, Employee::class);
The second argument is the "through" model. And now you simply write:
Okay, this is clickbait, because there is no hasManyDeep relationship in Laravel but there is an excellent package called eloquent-has-many-deep.
Consider the following relationships:
Country -> has many -> User -> has many -> Post -> has many -> Comment
If you try to get every comment from a country with Eloquent it will cost you around 1 billion database queries. But with this package you can query every comment in one query using Eloquent:
class Country extends Model
use Staudenmeir\EloquentHasManyDeep\HasRelationships;
public function comments()
return $this->hasManyDeep(
So it can handle additional levels of relationships. Under the hood it uses subqueries.
Let's say you have a Post model in your application that has an Author relationship which is a User model. Users can be deleted but often we need to keep their data. This means Author is a nullable relationship, and probably cause some code like this:
$authorName = $post->author
? $post->author->name
: 'Guest Author';
We obviously want to avoid code like this. Fortunately PHP provides us the nullable operator, so we can write this:
$authorName = $post->author?->name || 'Guest Author';
The hardcoded Guest Author seems like an anti-pattern, and you have to write this snippet every time you need the author's name. In this situation you can use the withDefault:
class Post extends Model
public function author(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(User::class)
'name' => 'Guest Author'
Two things happening here:
- If the author_id in the Post is null, the author relationship will not return null but a new User model.
- The new User model's name is Guest User.
So now, you don't need to check null values anymore:
// Either a real name or 'Guest Author'
$authorName = $post->author->name;
Order by Related Model's Average
In this example, we have a Book and a Rating model. A book has many ratings. Let's say we need to order the books by the average rating. We can use the withAvg method:
public function bestBooks()
->withAvg('ratings as average_rating', 'rating')
There's a lot of ratings here so let's clear this up:
- ratings as average_rating
- We want the averages from the ratings table
- We want an alias called average_rating
- rating
- This is the column in the ratings table that want to average
Eager Loading Specific Columns
select * queries can be slow and memory-consuming. If you want to eager a relationship but you don't need every column, you can specify which ones you want to load:
In this case, Eloquent will run a select id, name from categories query.
With the saveMany function you can save multiple related models in one function call.
Consider the following relationships: a Product has many Prices.
When you update a Product you may want to delete all the prices and save the new ones. In this scenario you can use the saveMany:
$productPrices = collect($prices)
->map(fn (array $priceData) => new ProductPrice([
'from_date' => $priceData['fromDate'],
'to_date' => $priceData['toDate'],
'price' => $priceData['price'],
It will create all the prices in one query, and you don't have to deal with loops:
foreach ($productPrices as $price) {
Similarly to saveMany you can also use the createMany if you don't have models, but arrays instead:
$prices = [
['from' => '2022-01-10', 'to' => '2022-02-28', 'price' => 9.99],
['from' => '2022-03-01', 'to' => null, 'price' => 14.99],
Factory and Migration Recipes
foreignId & constrained
This is the default way you write a foreign key in a migration:
It's not bad, but here's a more cool approach:
constrained will call: references('id')->on('categories')
Even better, you can do this:
If you have a nullable relationship just use the nullOnDelete helper:
There's an afterCreating method on the Factory class that you can use to do something after a Model has been created.
When I have Users with profile pictures, I always use this feature:
class UserFactory extends Factory
public function definition()
return [
'username' => $faker->username,
public function configure()
return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) {
$faker = FakerFactory::create();
$dir = storage_path('images');
$path = $faker->image($dir, 640, 640, null, false);
$user->profile_picture_path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
Now any time you create a new User with a factory, a fake image will be created and the profile_picture_path will be set:
$user = User::factory()->create();
$user->profile_picture_path !== null;
Factory For
Let's say you want to create a Product with a Category:
$category = Category::factory()->create();
$product = Product::factory([
'category_id' => $category->id,
Instead of creating the category and passing it as an attribute, you can do this:
$product = Product::factory()
You can use this method for belongs to relationships.
Factory Has
With the has method you can do the inverse of the relationship. So you can use this for has many relationships:
You can also specify the relationship's name if it's different from the table name:
->has(ProductPrice::factory(), 'prices');
In this example, the prices is the name of the relationship on the Product model.
Factory States
When working with factories in tests (or seeders) we often need a specific 'state' in a given model. Let's say we have a Product model and it has an active column.
You can do this:
class ProductFactory extends Factory
public function definition()
return [
'name' => $this->faker->words(3, true),
'description' => $this->faker->paragraph(3),
'category_id' => fn () => Category::factory()->create()->id,
'active' => !!rand(0, 1),
With this setup you have to specify the active flag every time you want to set it:
$product = Product::factory([
'active' => false,
But factories provide a way to define 'states' for your model. A state can be something like an inactive product:
class ProductFactory extends Factory
public function definition()
return [
'name' => $this->faker->words(3, true),
'description' => $this->faker->paragraph(3),
'category_id' => fn () => Category::factory()->create()->id,
'active' => !!rand(0, 1),
public function inactive(): self
return $this->state(fn (array $attributes) => [
'active' => false,
And now you can create an inactive product like this:
$product = Product::factory()->state('inactive')->create();
It's very useful when your state affects 3-4 columns.
Other Eloquent-Related Recipes
Log Every Database Query
We often want to see every database query that was executed in a request during development. There are multiple solutions, but here's the most simple one:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
if (App::environment('local')) {
DB::listen(fn ($query) => logger(
Str::replaceArray('?', $query->bindings, $query->sql)
This snippet will log every database query to your default log file if your environment is set to local. If you need a more robust solution check out:
- Telescope
- Clockwork
- Laravel Debugbar
API resource is a really great concept, but it has a bottleneck: it's very easy to create N+1 query problems. Let's say we have an Employee and a Department model. An employee belongs to a department.
Imagine the following Controller method for the GET /employees API:
public function index()
$employees = Employee::all();
return EmployeeResource::collection($employees);
Pretty standard. Now let's see the EmployeeResource:
class EmployeeResource extends JsonResource
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->uuid,
'fullName' => $this->full_name,
'department' => $this->department,
If you have 500 employees you just made 501 queries with this setup. Let's see what's happening:
$employees = Employee:all();
This will run the following query:
select *
from emplooyes
This line:
return EmployeeResource::collection($employees);
Will convert every Employee model to an array, so practically it's a foreach. And this line in the resource:
'department' => $this->department,
Will run the following query:
select *
from department
where id = ?
For every employee. This is why you have 501 queries and this is why it's called N+1 query problem.
Don't worry! As always, Laravel can help us. Instead of using the $this->department directly in the resource, we can use the whenLoaded helper:
class EmployeeResource extends JsonResource
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->uuid,
'fullName' => $this->full_name,
'department' => $this->whenLoaded('department'),
It will check if the department relationship is already loaded. If it's not, it won't run an additional query. In this case, the department index will be null.
Great, but now we don't return the departments, so it's empty in the user list on the frontend. To solve this problem, we have to eager load the department relationships in the controller:
public function index()
$employees = Employee::with('department')->get();
return EmployeeResource::collection($employees);
In this case, Laravel will run one select and it will query all the employees with the department (using a subquery).
Pagination Links With Query String
Laravel has built-in pagination that is very easy to use. In this example, there's a Thread and a Category model. A thread has a category. This controller method returns every thread in a category:
class ThreadController extends Controller
public function index(Category $category)
return $category
This works fine, and will return pagination URLs like this: /api/category/abcd-1234/threads?page=1. However, there is a problem: if you have any query string in your URL it will be lost.
So if your URL looks like this: /api/category/abcd-1234/threads?filter[title]=laravel
You still have pagination links like the one above, so without the filter[title]=laravel query string.
To solve this problem we can write this:
class ThreadController extends Controller
public function index(Category $category)
return $category
It will append any query string to the URL, so your pagination link will be: /api/category/abcd-1234/threads?page=1&filter[title]=laravel
Prunable Trait
If you have a logic in your application that deletes some old or unused rows from the database, you can refactor it using the Prunable trait provided by Laravel:
class Order extends Model
use Prunable;
public function prunable(): Builder
return Order::query()
->where('created_at', '<=', now()->subMonth());
So in your model, you can define when a record is 'prunable'.
And you don't need to write your own command, you only need to schedule the one provided by Laravel:
// In your Console\\Kernel.php
Custom Query Builders
With Eloquent you can define your own query builders for your models. By using this you can move your scopes and queries from your models.
First, you have to define a new class:
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class HoldingBuilder extends Builder
public function whereTicker(string $ticker): self
return $this->whereRelation('stock', 'ticker', $ticker);
whereTicker is a scope that you can use on your models. The main difference is that we need to return an instance of self.
Second, we need to tell Eloquent that the Holding model has its own Builder class:
class Holding extends Model
use HasFactory;
use SoftDeletes;
protected $guarded = [];
protected $with = ['stock'];
public function newEloquentBuilder($query): HoldingBuilder
return new HoldingBuilder($query);
And now we can use it as a standard Eloquent query:
$holding = Holding::whereTicker($ticker)->first();
$holding->portfolio_id = $id;
Of course, you can chain other Eloquent methods:
->where('created_at', '<=', now())
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