« back published by Martin Joo on October 10, 2022
11 Must-see Laravel videos
This blog post is a collection of amazing Laravel videos. I learned so much from these guys.
Test-Driven Laravel by Adam Wathan.
Refactoring / Clean code
Cruddy by design by Adam Wathan
Patterns that pay off by Matt Stauffer
Becoming a better developer by using the SOLID design principles by Katerina Trajchevska
Design patterns with Laravel by Colin Decarlo
Chasing perfect by Adam Wathan
Eloquent and database
Eloquent performance patterns by Jonathan Reinink
Expressive Eloquent Collections by Tim MacDonald
Things every developer absolutely, positively needs to know about database indexing by Kai Sassnowski
General Laravel
Working with 3rd party services in Laravel by Steve McDougall
Demystifying Dependency Injection Containers by Kai Sassnowski